Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Look Alikes

No wonder everyone always had told us our

entire lives that we look alike....
Of course Marilee is younger, cuter, and NO WRINKLES!

Daniels Endowment Party


Graduation from BYU - Marilee and Steven

Marilee, Steven, Mom and Dad Proud Steven


Baptism Trip

Doug and Lexi

Darren, Stacie and Family

Although Stacie and Kristi have posted their pictures of Ali's and Lexi's pictures, here are a couple of pictures.

More Mystery Party

Dad was the Narrator
Ryan and Heather

January 3011 Murder Mystery Party

Jenny & Kent

Scott & Tonya

Mark and Aleesa

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

2010 Christmas Program

McKensey and Becca
Grandma and her stories
Brianna and Candice
Chelsea-Original music and Song, "He's With You"
Scott-Preparing to show Tonya's
12 Things of Christmas presentation
Becca, Stockton, Sarah sing and sign
Silent Night
Signing and Singing Silent Nigh
The Joke was on Lindsey
We missed ALL who were not with us on Christmas Eve.
I should have taken more pictures of the decorations, dinner.


Stockton-Shepherd, Brianna-Star, Madi-Angel
Sarah-Mary, Candice-Joseph (funny)
Tonya is the Director of the Nativity Scene
Grandpa is the NarratorBetter Mary and Joseph

Thanks to McKensey and Paden for taking the pictures.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Last Campout of the year! 2010

Dad and I went camping and took trail #5 from Joes Valley ending up at Green Grassy Lake

Kent and Jenny and Paden and Madi were camping nearby with the Lloyds. They were deer hunting, so we got to visit with them a couple of times. It was so fun to see them.

Proud Grandpa and his new 4 wheeler. What a difference it made for us. Safer, bigger, and much more comfortable for us. Hate to see the year end!!!!!!!

McKensey's Trek Outfits Grandma Helped With

More Boating Picture with Scott's Family

We spent a day at the Pineview Resevoir (in the Huntsville Valley) with Scott and his family. Other than me almost falling into the lake, it was a marvelous adventure. I loved being on the boat.

Grandparent's Day with Sarah

Camping with Ryan, Heather and Kids-Marsh Lake Area

While Grandpa, Ryan and Sarah were fishing, Heather, Becca and Grandma went 4 wheeling. As you can see, Becca fell asleep on they way back. It was really fun though. We got to see a BLACK moose on this trip...Grandma saw if FIRST! He was huge!

Scapbooking in Boulder-Labor Day Weekend 2010

Stacie had Holladay Inn points and got us two nights at the Holladay Inn in Boulder, Co. We had a wonderful time scrapbooking, laughing, eating, etc. It was GREAT FUN! When we came out of the motel there were ashes floating on us from a huge fire in the mountains above us. It destroyed 178 homes. We got out of there just in time. We took a minute to go see the house they filmed Mork and Mindy. You will have to check someone elses blog because I don't know what happened to my picture of it.